Desing System
Niobium Technology for Clean Energy
research on the production and storage of green energy using Niobium-based materials, which could support not only Japan’s efforts to reach its ambitious emissions reductions targets by 2030, but also help us achieve a more sustainable development in a global scale.
Check out the Innovation Round Table about trends and advancements in the energy sector moderated by Dr Dree Strand (Chief Scientific Officer, Wildcat Discovery Technologies) and discover the various benefits of using Niobium applications
Alexandre Jordão Msc (CBMM | Niobium)
Prof. Kiyotaka Nakajima (Hokkaido University)
Prof. Katsuyoshi Kakinuma (University of Yamanashi)
Prof. Naoaki Yabuuchi (Yokohama Materials University)
Prof. Kazunari Domen (The University of Tokyo and special contract prof. Shinshu University)
Dr. Yasushiro Harada (Toshiba Corp.)