The partnership between Briggs Automotive Company (BAC), a British pioneer in the manufacturing of single-seater supercars, and CBMM, a Brazilian company which is world leader in the production and commercialization of niobium  products, anticipate an exclusive project for use of niobium in the structure of the new BAC Mono. The partnership promises to revolutionize the global automotive industry.

The first proofs of concept carried out on the vehicle, which is high-performing, showed a weight reduction of 18%, exceeding the initial goal of a 15% decrease.
presentation chassis
The new BAC is a unique vehicle, designed to offer the best driving experience on the road and on the track. In addition to having cutting-edge design, it uses the most innovative technology solutions on the market in its concept.
oz wheel

The next stage of the project consists of testing the prototypes of the final vehicle under real conditions. Subsequently, BAC intends to implement the new concept by adopting niobium technology and launch the new model commercially, which should happen in 2022.

BAC is known for being the perfect incubator for the latest technologies in the sector and has proven innovative concepts in its pioneering research and development projects. CBMM, on the other hand, consolidates itself as an important player in the mobility sector by offering products with advanced niobium technologies in partnership with several companies, in applications such as bodies, chassis, brake discs and batteries.

To learn more about BAC and the new BAC Mono , please visit BAC’s website.

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